Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Balanced. Refined. Bring your face into a more harmonious balance with a chin augmentation or chin implant procedure.
Mentoplasty Patient 7
Previous Patient Next PatientChin Implantation Combined With Revision Rhinoplasty and Facial Fat Transfer
This male Bothell chin implant patient came to Dr. Lamperti looking to improve his nasal appearance and weak chin. To better balance the patient's facial proportions, Dr. Lamperti placed a silicone chin implant to project the patient's chin and better balance his tip projection. You can see how the extended anatomic style implant also improved the patient's jaw line including the pre-jowl area. The effect is one of a facelift without facelift surgery. Dr. Lamperti also performed revision rhinoplasty surgery to improve the patient's nasal appearance. The patient also wanted to improve his cheek and lower eyelid hollowing so Dr. Lamperti also performed facial fat transfer at the same time.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
I would just like you to know that I am very happy for my surgery. It is exactly what I wanted. I am glad I made the decision.
AS - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada View More Patient Testimonials ›