Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Balanced. Refined. Bring your face into a more harmonious balance with a chin augmentation or chin implant procedure.
Mentoplasty Patient 6
Previous Patient Next PatientThis patient came to Dr. Thomas Lamperti wanting to improve his neck and jawline. During his consultation with Dr. Lamperti it was noted that the patient had an under projecting chin and poorly defined neckline. The patient is shown one month after having a necklift and liposuction along with the placement of a chin implant. Though the patient has an expected amount of neck tissue swelling, one can appreciate an improved jawline and neck.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
I wanted to thank you again for making my rhinoplasty experience so positive!
BA - Seattle, WA View More Patient Testimonials ›