Revision Rhinoplasty
Make your next rhinoplasty your last. Even if you have already had nasal surgery, a revision rhinoplasty (nose job), can create a more refined and proportioned nose that not only looks better but also functions better.
Revision Rhinoplasty Patient 2
Previous Patient Next PatientOverprojected tip and pollybeak deformity after hump takedown
This woman came to Dr. Thomas Lamperti desiring improvement to the tip of her nose. She had undergone a septo-rhinoplasty about 4 years previously which improved the bony hump on bridge. However, she was dissatisfied with the residual fullness to the tip of her nose (best seen on profile view). During the preoperative assessment Dr. Lamperti also noted an asymmetric bulbosity to the patient's left nasal tip and a slight deviation of the columella to the right. The tip was also overprojected and, given the patient's height, over-rotated (too upturned). Dr. Lamperti performed a revision septo-rhinoplasty in which he encountered persistent septal cartilage and scar tissue causing the patient's residual tip roundedness. Using cartilage harvested from the septum, he flattened the left tip to make it more symmetric with the right. He also rebalanced the patient's tip projection and reduced the rotation slightly. On base view one can also see that the columella was made straighter. The patient is shown before and 3 years after her revision nasal surgery with Dr. Lamperti.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
I'm very pleased with my profile now and can see the improvement from the fat grafting.
TT - Bothell, WA View More Patient Testimonials ›