Before and after crooked nose rhinoplasty and chin augmentation
Dr. Lamperti discusses the surgical treatment of the crooked nose and chin weakness. He reviews the before and after photos of one of his patients to show what results are possible with rhinoplasty and chin augmentation (sliding genioplasty).
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Video transcript:
"This is Dr. Thomas Lamperti and I'm a board certified facial plastic surgeon in Seattle. Today I'd like to review some before and after photographs of a rhinoplasty patient of mine. We created a straighter nose and also improved the chin projection. This photo shows a before photo of the patient. You can see that she has a tortuous or s-shaped deviation of her nose to the right. Additionally, on the inside of her nose her septum is also quite deviated which we'll also repair. This photo now adds the pre-operative digital morphing that we performed which is on the right pane. You can see that we planned a much straighter nose but also didn't make it perfect -- there's still some asymmetry which I try to be conservative with. And lastly we have our postoperative view, which is on the far right. You can see that it is much straighter and in fact I think that it looks better than what I had initially planned on the preoperative morphing. Now on profile view you can get a better sense of her nose as well. Her tip is over-projected but otherwise she has a nice profile line. Her chin is very under-projected and that's the most notable thing on this view. Next you can see the preoperative digital morphing that we did on the right where we deprojected the tip somewhat and improved the chin projection conservatively. And next on our next segment you can see that the final result on the right where we improved the tip projection than I initially thought and then also improved the chin projection quite a bit via a sliding genioplasty. We used an open rhinoplasty approach for the nose to improve the septum and overall breathing as well. You can see that the overall effect is a much more in balance and harmonious appearance as the nose and chin are in better relation to each other. That's all I have for now. Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube feed or check out my website for further rhinoplasty information."
Learn more about crooked nose repair here.
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