Revision Rhinoplasty
Make your next rhinoplasty your last. Even if you have already had nasal surgery, a revision rhinoplasty (nose job), can create a more refined and proportioned nose that not only looks better but also functions better.
Revision Rhinoplasty Patient 10
Previous Patient Next PatientRevision Rhinoplasty to Correct Nasal Tip Skin Cancer Pin-Cushion Scar and Under-Projected Tip With Polly Beak Deformity
This Seattle revision rhinoplasty patient sought out Dr. Lamperti nasal surgery expertise to help correct the deformity that resulted after having a skin cancer removed from her nasal tip by another surgeon a few years prior. A skin graft was used to repair the skin cancer defect but cartilage support was lost during the cancer resection. The patient presented to Dr. Lamperti with a severely blunted, under-projected tip with a pollybeak deformity. Using an open septo-rhinoplasty approach Dr. Lamperti rebuilt the patient's nasal tip, carefully elevating the patients skin off of her underlying tip cartilages. Her tip was placed in a more projected position and her bridge was also refined, creating a more elegant supratip break. During a planned second stage surgery several months later Dr. Lamperti excised the deep external nasal tip scar using an irregularizing pattern to further hide the pincushion deformity. After waiting about 3 months Dr. Lamperti then performed the last stage of reconstruction in which he performed scar dermabrasion to further smooth the nasal tip skin and scar. In the after photos which were taking several months after the scar dermabrasion you can see that the patient has a much improved tip projection and tip contour with a smoother bridge on profile views. The deep pincushion deformity is also improved which just residual, expected scar redness noted at this stage that would be expected to fade further with time.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Dr. Lamperti literally restored my life. Now my nose finally looks naturl and has character. I cannot thank him enough.
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